
Showing posts from 2013

Giving is AWESOME for the heart!

    Every year I get photo cards done of my two kids and send them out to close friends and family for the holidays. In years past, I really enjoyed doing this. However, the cost accrued and time spent with making the cards, labeling and sending them out only to be (for most) tossed out shortly after the holidays has lost its zest for me. I for one, had always loved to get cards from others of their families and I would tape them above my molding in my kitchen and leave them up all year long. I would only take them down the following year when I got new cards and would compare the two to see how much the kids grew. Over the last couple of years I noticed little by little, I wasn't getting as many as I used to. People were just not sending out Christmas cards anymore, it made me wonder.   This year, I decided that instead of sending cards out I would do something different. I announced on facebook and tagged most of my family and friends who would have received a ...

People-pleasing is bad for your health.... 5 ways to stop!

   As a woman, mom, wife, friend, daughter, business-owner and someone juggling all the balls in the air with the endless to-do lists, the one thing that I use to think was "is everyone happy by my efforts?" You see, I am a recovering people-pleaser and was constantly looking for validation from others in return. When I would do something for someone else, I expected that they either: 1) be grateful or 2) do something for me in return down the road. It seemed the more I did, the more people expected from me. So, I kept doing and kept seeking their approval. I would do anything to feel validated, buy them things thinking they would be over the moon and appreciative. I would offer to do services such as watch their kids, or do errands or even offer and go visit them because I knew they wouldn't visit me and my family and I wanted them to like me. As the years went on and I had my own kids and to be honest, I was expecting others to just help me out. However, that wasn...

We are all ENOUGH!.. Just Believe

                                    This weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to attend an amazing 4-day seminar with my mentor, the huge, the almighty, Mr. TONY ROBBINS. During this amazing 4-day event, I had some incredible breakthroughs and even walked across hot coals (YES, PEOPLE HOT COALS!) without so much as a mark. This experience made me realize so much as I felt all the more wiser. One of the limiting beliefs that I was able to crush, was the thought that I didn't know enough. Even though I love to inspire other women that they ARE enough, I myself, was feeling less than. I have been studying everything I could get my hands on in my current field and just can't get enough. At one point during the seminar, Tony has us break out into pairs where we had to tell a partner (complete stranger) what are limiting beliefs were. I told (now my new friend) mine and she replied back with "m...

Where did all the children go?

What happened? Where did all the kids go? You know, the ones who use to play outside and were curious about the world. The ones who used their imagination to dream of far away lands with dragons and knights in the woods of their own back yards? The ones yelling, playing kickball, laughing and smiling at each other.... where did they go? I think they  forgot.. forgot what it was like to stop for a moment...put down the phones... go outside... breathe in the fresh, crisp air and stare at the world with wonderment.  We (the 70's/80s kids) have forgotten.....WE have forgotten what it is like to just 'be' a kid. How can we expect our children to do the same when we ourselves, don't set the example. We are so stressed out, overworked, overburdened and overwhelmed that instead of turning everything off, sharing quality moments with our kids as we walk around and absorb the world, we give them things to tune out instead. Then we go ahead and label them as lazy, unmotiv...

Does the World Seem Empty?

Did you ever notice that sometimes when you look around the world seems empty? you can also look around in a crowded room and yet feel... so all alone. When you look around and see all the 'stuff' in your world (material things) does it lack lustre? Something is missing? what is it?   In today's society, we all are so caught up with wanting and having more because if we get things we want or what our nieghbors' have, we think we will be fulfilled. That new piece, i.e. furniture, clothing, things once obtained will allow us to release endorphins or feel good hormones but, for how long?   When we attach ourselves to things to help us achieve happiness we set ourselves up with a standard, a standard that is only visible to the eye. It holds no depth and definitely doesn't sustain us for the long term. Clothes get worn and out of style, furniture gets used, things fade or lose appeal and after they do, we are so eager to replace them. The same goes for people, the...

Mom Goddess Coach: Why can't we just eat cupcakes, smile and be happy...

Mom Goddess Coach: Why can't we just eat cupcakes, smile and be happy... : This may seem like such a trivial issue to some given the scope of other challenges in the world today. It is the ever debatable peanut a...

Why can't we just eat cupcakes, smile and be happy damn it!

This may seem like such a trivial issue to some given the scope of other challenges in the world today. It is the ever debatable peanut allergy and cupcake issue that I wish to address. I know that every mom has dealt with this issue and I want to lay the cards on the table per say.  I am a room mom for my daughters 4th grade class in which, 3 kids have allergies to peanuts (1 severe) and 1 child had sensitivities to red dye 40. I sent around a memo asking for a donation for crafts, paper supplies,  and the teachers holiday gift card. On the bottom of the note I put... "If you would like to send in cupcakes I believe the preferred brand to use is Dunkin Hines, as they are peanut-free"     Now... I just want to note that one of the moms (whose son does have an allergy, not severe) brought in cupcakes the week prior as they had a small party for another child who was leaving. I asked her what brand she used so I know in the future and her reply was "oh, I don'...

Moms: 6 ways to quit your bitching and get back out there

This week my children started back to school and as I returned from the bus stop (dropping off my middle-schooler and elementary child), I couldn't believe what I was hearing... Stay at home mom's complaining about doing housework, kids schedules, etc. OK, so yes, we all like to bitch and moan at times (and yes, that was me years ago) however, my perspective has long since changed-- and I thank my lucky stars for that everyday!  Let me explain why: 1) If all I have in life to talk about are my kids and housework then I have not yet fulfilled my purpose here on earth... There is so much more to life than that! I am a role model to my children. Wouldn't I want them to see me doing something that fulfills me and that I am passionate about? hmmnn... 2) By complaining you are actually bringing on more of that misery so, why complain? instead, be thankful for your blessings and rea lize that some days are more "do-ing" than others and on the other days do somethin...

40's..Is it me? or CBH (crazy bitch hormones)

There is something that happens in a women after she hits the magical number of 40. She enters a new era where her body and emotions shift and seem to go in completely different directions.  For a lot of women/moms, this uncertainty or unawareness can lead to a feeling of being overloaded and make one go insane.  After discussing this topic with numerous women, I am finding the following scenario most common today:   After a hectic start to the day, you manage to get the kids off to school and you're already exhausted.  You grab your 2nd cup of coffee and off to work you go. After a full day of work, you come home only to take the kids to their activities, make dinner, and help with homework. You then manage to grab a glass of wine to settle down or perhaps take your anti-depressant because you are so overwhelmed and have had no time to yourself to decompress.  Perhaps, you take your happy pill in the morning and make it through the day numb,emotionless and ...

What is a GMO? do the research, make a stand.. YOU deserve it!

During a recent conversation with a family member, I have come to realize how silly our rationalized thinking can be sometimes.  I started talking about food and choices we all make today.   Our food choices are filled with food derived from GMO's (genetically modified organisms), wheat, dairy with hormones and antibiotics and grocery stores filled with processed food that has more chemicals on the labels that I won't even attempt to pronounce.  As I asked the question "do you know what a GMO is?" the answer was "I don't care, I am still here." As I thought about this response I wondered, is it because I am younger and have this knowledge of something they don't.. was their ego challenged? -or- is it because they really do not want to know?" Is this the same for a lot of people?   My wheels were turning, and then I thought; what are the consequences of NOT knowing this information? If people knew that animals grazed on GMO crops and were get...

IF have to tell you "ONE MORE TIME"

    Why is it that I have to constantly repeat myself day in and day out and my children still do not listen? I often wonder what it would take for that magic number to appear -- will it be the 11,357th time when it will finally CLICK and they will do as they are told. This morning as I am walking around the house, I pick up after them and my blood starts to boil and then I suddenly stopped. I looked around and instead of getting frustrated today I start to wonder. One day this will all be gone! one day I will wake up but this time I won't HAVE to get up to get them out of the house and off to school. I won't have to pick their clothes off the floor. I won't have to clean the toothpaste off of the sink. I won't have to pack their lunch or make them breakfast. Lastly, we won't be rushing to get their shoes on as we stumble out the front door and run to catch the bus.  One day they will be off to college and the house will be quiet, just me and my thoughts. ...