Moms: 6 ways to quit your bitching and get back out there

This week my children started back to school and as I returned from the bus stop (dropping off my middle-schooler and elementary child), I couldn't believe what I was hearing... Stay at home mom's complaining about doing housework, kids schedules, etc. OK, so yes, we all like to bitch and moan at times (and yes, that was me years ago) however, my perspective has long since changed-- and I thank my lucky stars for that everyday! 
Let me explain why:
1) If all I have in life to talk about are my kids and housework then I have not yet fulfilled my purpose here on earth... There is so much more to life than that! I am a role model to my children. Wouldn't I want them to see me doing something that fulfills me and that I am passionate about? hmmnn...
2) By complaining you are actually bringing on more of that misery so, why complain? instead, be thankful for your blessings and realize that some days are more "do-ing" than others and on the other days do something that fulfills your soul.
3) find something outside of the home to do (this one is a must!) if your social interactions are walking your middle-schooler to the bus stop just to complain with other moms, well then, you need a better hobby! (seriously? if you live close to the bus stop allow your middle-schooler to WALK by themselves- not drive them), they need to learn to do things for themselves. Of course there are weather exceptions, safety of your area, but for the most part they should be responsible to get on by themselves.
4) FIND some time in the day for "ME-TIME".  This one is so important--- if you drive to work/take the train, listen to a relaxing cd/audio book, meditate, yoga, exercise, read a book, take a nap (yes, if you drive to work go out to your car, recline the seat and take a nap at lunch!) YES, all of above suggestions are necessary, and you will feel wonderful when you do. If your day is all work and no play eventually it will wear on you and you will go into burn-out and wonder why... Tip: Refill when you can (remember: just like the oxygen mask on the plane, put yours on first, then children and elders...think about it.)
5) Get out of the house and outside your comfort zone!!!-- take a class, join a club/committee, something for YOU! Joining the PTA just to complain with the rest of the mom's is not one of them. Join to serve the school and children, not for the negativity and the label of "look at me, I joined the PTA, I am a good mom."
6) If you are stuck in a funk, rut or looking for your purpose and your situation at home, work or in general is not working for you then... hire a life coach. This is what coaches do.. they help others reach the next level in their life. If you are stuck doing the same thing day in and day out and never change or go outside your comfort zone, how happy or fulfilled will you be? sometimes, you just need to shake it up a bit and get a fresh non-judgemental (can't get that from family/friends) perspective from someone who will hold you accountable. When you are done bitching and complaining and are committed to change, we are here..Remember the other side is Joy and happiness :)... Contact me at


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