Why can't we just eat cupcakes, smile and be happy damn it!

This may seem like such a trivial issue to some given the scope of other challenges in the world today. It is the ever debatable peanut allergy and cupcake issue that I wish to address. I know that every mom has dealt with this issue and I want to lay the cards on the table per say.  I am a room mom for my daughters 4th grade class in which, 3 kids have allergies to peanuts (1 severe) and 1 child had sensitivities to red dye 40. I sent around a memo asking for a donation for crafts, paper supplies, and the teachers holiday gift card. On the bottom of the note I put... "If you would like to send in cupcakes I believe the preferred brand to use is Dunkin Hines, as they are peanut-free" 
   Now... I just want to note that one of the moms (whose son does have an allergy, not severe) brought in cupcakes the week prior as they had a small party for another child who was leaving. I asked her what brand she used so I know in the future and her reply was "oh, I don't know.. it was a red box.. I have to look at the box". I replied with "when you look, can you shoot me a message so I know and could tell others".. You would think this is reasonable, right? and my other thought was, if your son has allergies you should know exactly what brands to use/not use.
Well... After I sent out the memo that same mom called me up and said "you put Dunkin Hines in the memo and they are the worst brand to use". I replied with "my friends son has allergies and I was talking to her and she has always use that brand without a problem". She said "well, you better tell her that they changed the packaging and it now says "made in a factory that may/may not have peanuts" (most likely just to cover their ass).

  Without losing my cool... I asked her what would you like me to do..write a retraction or would you like to provide a list of preferred brands and items to make it fair to everyone? She said "well, I would have to go to the store and look at the boxes and let you know." I said "OK". That was over a week ago and she has yet to get back to me. BTW- I also mentioned "don't you send in extra snacks so if an item is sent in you are unsure of (especially because you don't someone else's kitchen--might have peanuts on counters) you are safe and your son has something?"
  So my question is? How do you feel about the peanut issue at school? I honestly think more kids have allergies now, especially since GMO's were introduced into the food chain. It would be great to go with raw food but, cupcakes have been such a long-time tradition in schools for parties. Also, should everyone suffer because of the minority or should they come up with a universal solution? Or how about I start a stink that people only make cupcakes from mixes that are GMO-free, dairy, gluten free? My thoughts are cupcake mixes are complete processed crap anyway, peanut-free or not. There has to be a happy medium and surely we have other things to worry about than meeting everyone's cupcake needs. Any thoughts would be appreciated because this whole issue irks me. Why can't we just eat cupcakes, smile and be happy, why is everything such a problem? email me your thoughts at jodi@momgoddesscoach.com


  1. As a Mom to a beautiful young lady with a peanut allergy, I could go on and on, but I will get to the point. I make cupcakes for my daughter to have for parties to avoid any problems. Luckily, she loves Mommy's cupcakes. I personally do not trust others to read the labels for us. It is not worth the risk. We can eat cupcakes, just not ones we don't know are safe. It is a big deal, and those who do not think it is should speak to a family that has lost a child due to a food allergy. Why do we need cupcakes in school anyway? There are plenty of ways to celebrate that don't involve food. I mean come on, will you really suffer that much if you don't get a cupcake??? I wish schools would just be peanut free. Why is is so important to have a PB&J? Will your kid somehow be worse off with out it? I think not. Go out and buy some sunbutter and help ease the minds of an allergy Mom and keep a kid with a life threatening allergy safe. Seems like a simple decision to me, but I am the one with the kid that your cupcake could harm.

  2. I appreciate you response and it is nice to hear from someone who's been there. As a mom of kids who do not have a peanut allergy and one who is a picky eager it is hard to please both sides. I feed my kids organic peanut butter and jelly all the time... it is low-cost and well, my son's favorite. I much rather him eat that that buy GMO, processed and chemically laden food from the school. I honestly believe the food today is to blame as I did not hear of peanut allergies when I was growing up. Regardless, there has to be a solution to suit both sides and you also have to consider those kids who can be around others but just can't eat it... so there is range. I am proposing to my school a list of foods acceptable to bring in for kids and for those who don't feel comfortable because they don't know someone else's kitchen can provide their kids with something. If everyone works off the same list which includes healthy choices I feel it is a win-win. I am just surprised that moms with kids who have allergies haven't offered a solution (like when I asked the other mom in my class). I will let you know how it goes :)

  3. Glad to have been informed about GMO's and the issues that many foods are creating in the lives of ppl in general. This topic about children is a real eye opener. Realizing that ppl do what they do and are who they are, just the willingness to reach out to another, addressing a real concern on child safety is to be applauded. Makes a difference when we care for another. That is doing the right thing, for the right reason. Can't improve peoples attitudes around any issues, and expect someone to do what we would do. Continuing to be kind, thoughtful and open minded to the plight of another is great conditioning. Really is what matters. Overblown expectations create resentments and take us away from the original purpose of caring for another. Looking at how we are acting towards outside situations can be helpful....so is it about the kid, cupcake, attitude, safety? What I can appreciate most about this post is that it made me think. What matters? People matter!! Not that they act the way I believe they should act, but that I have control over how I act and most importantly what I do, when I choose act. Getting stuck is getting stuck and moving past is just that. Turn the problem into the solution. Lesson learned and thank you for sharing. Sharing is caring and when we share with one another we open up a new world of possibilities, food allergies or not. We can figure out how others are supported and nourished, and it 'aint with cupcakes. Thank God :)


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