Hurricane Sandy's Gone, Goddesses Emerge
It has been 6 days since Hurricane Sandy has come and gone. She wreaked havoc here in the tri-state area (where I am from), and we still have a long recovery and healing process to go through. However, It's hard not to succumb to all the doom and gloom when it's constantly in your face, news, and at the gas stations etc. Hurricane Sandy made it real--- it is now that NY has turned into a really screwed up dysfunctional family, (not that we weren't before). Sandy came into our homes unannounced, caused havoc and decided to stay. We all thought we were prepared---we weren't. How can we blame mother nature? we can't punch her in the face but, we can turn on our neighbors and slap them. The whole thing is so messed up. At least when it was 9/11, we all banned together and we had an enemy to blame. Again, can't hate mother nature. This to me, is everyone's wake up call. Sandy is saying "NY WAKE THE F@^* UP, IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!". We are not invincible (as thought by most). It's RAW and REAL, and it's in all of our backyards. I am forever grateful that my family and I were one of the lucky ones. We only lost power for the week while some, (as of this writing) still don't have power and gas is hard to come by and let us not forget those who had lost everything.
So, as mothers, what can we do? Instead of giving in to all the doom and gloom I decided to teach my kids the lesson here. We went around the house and collected clothes, jackets, pillows, blankets and brought them down to the local radio station for "Sandy's Kids". The kids and I got to write on the container containing all the supplies. I wrote "Have courage", my son wrote "persevere" my daughter wrote " I hope you have strength". I am teaching them something as they are teaching me something.
The night the power went out, my daughter and I made a cake for my husband's birthday. When the lights went out, we got nervous as we heard the wind howling. My son turned around and said "Don't worry mom, we got each other and we got cake!".. That had me smiling and I was able to put it into perspective. YES, we do have each other and WE HAVE CAKE!!!! :) -- we are luckier than most. However, we must share our cake I thought.
After the storm, I started out small by asking my neighbors if they needed anything and brought my one neighbor some tea. Then after power went back we started gathering items to take down to sandy's kids.
So while some are letting the power of the media and circumstance dictate their "state" others can come together and be role models and "BE" the example to show their children that every little bit helps. Show them when times get tough don't stand on the sidelines complaining and blaming, get in the game and do something. Make a play. Your kids will remember this down the road.
I think this is a perfect time when we must tap into our goddess archetype: Athena. Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, strategy of war and travel. Athena's symbol is the owl, the wisest of the birds.She is often shown with her helmet on and with her shield, which has Medusa's head on it. Athena is the protector of Athens, Greece, a city named after her. The Parthenon, which is on the Acropolis in Athens, is her most famous temple.She also helped many heroes, including Hercules, Jason, and Odysseus, and is always seen with Nike, the goddess of victory. Athena was not interested in bloodshed, she was more interested in strategy. I would like to propose that all of you mom goddesses break out a piece of you that is Athena. Use your wisdom to set an example to your children and others. Be the protector of your home and community and hold your shield from the "noise" of criticism, anger, blame and complaints. Spread your wisdom and forge on helping others get through the aftermath of this battle as every little bit helps. Will things ever be the same? no, of course not but, with every goddess stepping in we can make it a whole lot better, learn the lesson and move on.
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