Mom "GODDESS" coach

  I can't believe it has been so long since I wrote and I promised myself that I wouldn't be that person that starts something and doesn't follow through.  Although, these past few months have been such a learning curve for me, I feel that now I am ready and confident to live up to my convictions.  I recently, completed my website: and am passionately excited about it.  I thought long and hard about my transitional year and all the lessons I learned along the way.
  One of the biggest lessons that I learned is that in order to do everything for everyone else, I had to take care of "me" first.  It is the same as when you board a plan and the airline attendant gets up in front and starts giving you instructions and says in "in the event the cabin pressure is low, an oxygen mask will drop in front of you, please put the MASK ON YOURSELF FIRST, then put it on small children and elders."  If you think about it, it is so true.  For so long all of us moms have been running the endless mouse wheel on nothing but fumes and we wonder how much longer we can keep it up.  I wondered that too as I was juggling all my balls in the air, and one day one fell, and it was my health.  Somehow or another I found the strength to research what it was and to get the help I needed and continue to run a 7 day/week business, take care of my kids, the house and everything in between.  I look back now and wonder why my hormones and cortisol levels were out of control~ who was that crazy person back there?
  I have since sold my business and chose another path where this time I am the one in control.  I want to design my life and not let circumstance dictate to me what and who I should be.  I want to help others, especially working moms, who are also stuck looking at the crossroads and wondering what road to take next.  I have almost completed my course and am awaiting my certification and the journey has been nothing short of amazing.  I am looking forward to the next phase of my life and reaching out to others where I can make a contribution.
  If you are standing at the crossroads and not sure where to go please contact me at and we'll schedule a free no obligation consult to see if coaching is right for you.
  Blessings and light,
Jodi Brichta-Coyne


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