Avoid "MOM" burnout and take care of "YOU"

In a recent conversation with several women, I couldn't help but notice a pattern that has developed in all their stories and how much we feed off of each others frustrations.  Why is it that we have become so hard, so rough and masculine in order to feel we can cope in today's world? Why can't we not only vision our cupcake, but design it and eat it too all the while savoring the aroma, enjoying each bite, right down to the "mmnnn" sound? why can't we?  Have we forgot what's important?  and in this competitive world, where we strive to have more, and be more, are we ignoring the process that got us here in the first place?  Too many of us are not aligning our core values with our true "authentic"self .  As we succumb to stress it is taking its toll and it's effecting our health --we are we ignoring these warning signs?
  This was me 2 years ago.  I wake up on a cold January morning just like any other day.  But this time it is different, I woke up and my back was soaked.  I sit at the edge of my bead and I feel as though I have been hit by a mac truck.  My head is pounding as though I was out until the wee hours of the morning partying.  I stand up and squeeze my fingers together making fists and they hurt.  My feet ache too.  What is going on??  I can’t seem to sleep through the night anymore either, I am usually up every night between 2-4am.  I walk over to the coffee pot and I feel dizzy. Something is happening to me and I don’t like this feeling.  Ugghhh... the thought of getting the kids up and ready as we race with time and the bus haunts me.  I have to do it though, I have no choice (even though I want to go back to bed).  As I wait for the coffee jolt  to kick in, my mind wonders to all the things I have to do today and as I look around at my house it looks as if a tornado quickly came and all I see is the aftermath.  Why is this so hard? it shouldn't be like this!
  If that sounds even a little bit like you, we need to talk.  It took lot to get me out of that state, but the thing that I didn't realize at the time was with all the stress of juggling my business, the kids, activities, finances, home, pet, etc (you name it), I lost track of "ME". As a result my health was affected.  As a mom you are the glue, you hold it all together and we all know "when mama is not happy, nobody is happy."  What example are you setting for your children to see you like that? You are their role model. Do you want to be the stressed out, sick, angry, moody mom? I don't.  I realized it when my daughter starting yelling at my son and it was really me (what a kick in the ass that was).  I realized something needed to be done.  
  So, I set out on a journey to get myself well and I did just that. It wasn't easy and I had to take baby steps, one day at a time. Most importantly I had to change my mindset, especially of the past.  I sat there and looked at it, picked up the pieces that I needed, left the rest behind and moved on. Everyday I did something for "me" to get myself better and stronger. Sometimes it was as simple as going for a walk, meditating, reading or getting my nails done without feeling guilty.   I realized I needed to do this for me, my family and the future generations.  Life is too short to let day-to-day bullshit drag you down. You can't live in the past and you cannot predict the future but, you can silence the noise and enjoy right now.  
  Most importantly, don't listen to others.  Don't give in when they place blame, insults, put-downs, criticisms, labels and comparisons.  Realize that they are only projecting what they are feeling about themselves onto you.  Once you do, you learn to not take it so personal. Surround yourself with positive people, thoughts and love. Listen and trust yourself, go with your gut feeling, (your intuition), and start telling yourself a new story.  Learn to take care of and become the real "you"~ because "you" truly deserve it.


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