Avoid "MOM" burnout and take care of "YOU"

In a recent conversation with several women, I couldn't help but notice a pattern that has developed in all their stories and how much we feed off of each others frustrations. Why is it that we have become so hard, so rough and masculine in order to feel we can cope in today's world? Why can't we not only vision our cupcake, but design it and eat it too all the while savoring the aroma, enjoying each bite, right down to the "mmnnn" sound? why can't we? Have we forgot what's important? and in this competitive world, where we strive to have more, and be more, are we ignoring the process that got us here in the first place? Too many of us are not aligning our core values with our true "authentic"self . As we succumb to stress it is taking its toll and it's effecting our health --we are we ignoring these warning signs? This was me 2 years ago. I wake up on a cold January morning just like any other day. But this time i...