Does the World Seem Empty?

Did you ever notice that sometimes when you look around the world seems empty? you can also look around in a crowded room and yet feel... so all alone. When you look around and see all the 'stuff' in your world (material things) does it lack lustre? Something is missing? what is it? In today's society, we all are so caught up with wanting and having more because if we get things we want or what our nieghbors' have, we think we will be fulfilled. That new piece, i.e. furniture, clothing, things once obtained will allow us to release endorphins or feel good hormones but, for how long? When we attach ourselves to things to help us achieve happiness we set ourselves up with a standard, a standard that is only visible to the eye. It holds no depth and definitely doesn't sustain us for the long term. Clothes get worn and out of style, furniture gets used, things fade or lose appeal and after they do, we are so eager to replace them. The same goes for people, the...