40's..Is it me? or CBH (crazy bitch hormones)

There is something that happens in a women after she hits the magical number of 40. She enters a new era where her body and emotions shift and seem to go in completely different directions. For a lot of women/moms, this uncertainty or unawareness can lead to a feeling of being overloaded and make one go insane. After discussing this topic with numerous women, I am finding the following scenario most common today: After a hectic start to the day, you manage to get the kids off to school and you're already exhausted. You grab your 2nd cup of coffee and off to work you go. After a full day of work, you come home only to take the kids to their activities, make dinner, and help with homework. You then manage to grab a glass of wine to settle down or perhaps take your anti-depressant because you are so overwhelmed and have had no time to yourself to decompress. Perhaps, you take your happy pill in the morning and make it through the day numb,emotionless and ...