World Hug to Newtown

As I sit back and reflect over this past weeks events, an overwhelming sense of sadness comes over me. In my last post, I wrote about a terrible incident that happened between my son and my brothers dog, and how helpless I felt during the whole event. Now, words cannot express how much my heart bleeds for each and every Newtown child (now angels above), and for the brave adults that were trying to protect them. A day just like any other day, so it seemed, turned into a horrific and mind numbing tragedy. "How can this happen?"everyone asks. The sad truth is that this can happen anywhere, at any time, in any town. No one is safe in reality, however, our own safety and certainty can be taken away at any time if we allow it. To be honest, I was one of those parents who nervously looked at her kids as they got on the bus Monday morning. I looked as they stepped on and just wanted to pull them back and take them home, where I would know they are safe....