Access your Goddess-- for the run down and stressed
Did you know that female energy is 10,000x stronger than a man's certainty! Let's think about that for a moment. Oh Wait, can we think about female energy when we have been brought up to be strong and independent. We have been brought up to think and act like a man and still we only get paid $77 per $100 compared to men. Why is that? what are we doing to ourselves? A typical scenario in the working world of a mom bringing up her children goes like this. Mom wakes up exhausted, stumbles to get coffee and once the kids are up ...the race is on. While some dads may contribute to helping, the fact of the matter is, most don't. Mom usually gets the kids ready for school/daycare, prepares lunches, goes through bags/homework/any notes, gets herself ready, tries to tidy up a bit and either drops the kids off or puts them on the bus. Already mentally exhausted, she finds herself settling down and takes the long commute to work. After workin...