IF have to tell you "ONE MORE TIME"

Why is it that I have to constantly repeat myself day in and day out and my children still do not listen? I often wonder what it would take for that magic number to appear -- will it be the 11,357th time when it will finally CLICK and they will do as they are told. This morning as I am walking around the house, I pick up after them and my blood starts to boil and then I suddenly stopped. I looked around and instead of getting frustrated today I start to wonder. One day this will all be gone! one day I will wake up but this time I won't HAVE to get up to get them out of the house and off to school. I won't have to pick their clothes off the floor. I won't have to clean the toothpaste off of the sink. I won't have to pack their lunch or make them breakfast. Lastly, we won't be rushing to get their shoes on as we stumble out the front door and run to catch the bus. One day they will be off to college and the house will be quiet, just me and my thoughts. ...